Welcome to our Happily Messy Life!

Hi everyone! My husband and I decided to create this blog to chronicle all the ups and downs we have experienced while caring for our son. As new parents, we were often confused by the various advices given to us by different parties. We felt lost at everything we did and second guessed all our decisions.

Today, our little bundle of joy is a whopping 1 year old. The parenting journey so far has been a very fulfilling and exhausting one. We thought it is time for us to write down our experiences for our future reference, when we eventually have our second child. At the same time, we hope our experiences can help newer parents cope with the care of their newborn. 

We plan to write about random stuff in this blog, ranging from my birth experience, to medical conditions, reviews of baby items we have bought, food caterers we have engaged, insurance, places we have been to, etc. Some of the content may seem vague because it was from a long time ago.

My husband and I work full-time so we would not have time to post new content daily or even weekly but will definitely try to post something monthly.

Finally, if you like what you read, drop us a comment! We would love to connect with other parents too 😊.